10 Tips To Reduce Your Car And Home Insurance Premiums
Statistics from the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) of South Africa show that up to 800,000 cars get into accidents on South African roads every year. In contrast, only 60-70% of motorists have car insurance in South Africa. This is a worrying enough statistic until…
What Happens When You Get Into An Accident With An Uninsured Driver?
When you’re behind the wheel, the chances are that the thought of an accident doesn’t enter your mind very frequently. However, a recent report published by the Automobile Association of South Africa shows that almost 800 thousand vehicles get into accidents every year.
How to Claim from the Road Accident Fund: 3 Simple Steps
We asked a test group of 10 people, “Do you know how to claim from the RAF”. All 10 people said they had no idea how or where to go to claim if they were in an accident. So, we decided we needed to get…
6 Things To Consider When Choosing Car Insurance
According to the Automotive Association of South Africa, 11.4 million vehicles are registered on the South African roads, and 65% to 70% of these cars are not insured. Which can be a little worrying as you could have an accident with one of those uninsured…
South African Roads vs The Rest Of The World
An estimated 1.25 million people died from road injuries in 2013 and 20-50 million people sustained serious injuries that are non-fatal from road traffic incidents. These are stats according to the latest WHO report. WHO has stated the following, “Over 90% of road traffic deaths…
6 Things Your Car Insurance Company Won’t Tell You
Car Insurance… one of the most hated expenses in South Africa (other than medical aid of course)! That debit order that comes off every month that we dread seeing but something that we can’t live without in South Africa. The South African roads are getting…
What NOT to Do When A Taxi Hits You In SA
We all have that fear, ” What am I going to do if this taxi bumps me”. The Panda is going to lay it out on the roadway for you, these are the things you should most definitely NOT do!
SA Expressions Other Countries Don’t Understand
Our country is admired for all the whimsical and sometimes baffling things we do differently to others. We tend to name everyday items something completely different to the norm, This is a fun read for all, South Africans and foreigners.